Opening Thursday 13th October 2016, in all the upper galleries of its patrimonial building, visitors of CAPC contemporary art museum of Bordeaux will discover for the first time a permanent exhibition displaying an important selection of works from its Collection.
[sic] works from the CAPC Collection centres on strategies of re-writing, crossing out, or writing over as they are manifested in nearly a hundred works. This exhibition is organized around a series of calculated encounters among works, the rhythms they impose and the plausible directions they suggest. It considers the traces left on a work by the borrowing of a previous reference, and searches for clues across the museum Collection to ponder the relationship between a part and the whole, between a single work and a collection. [sic] does not mark an error but bridges a gap between at least two texts, two artworks, or two contexts.
The exhibition is punctuated by four clusters focused on Chohreh Feyzdjou (1955-1996), Simon Hantaï (1922-2008), Présence Panchounette (artist collective, active from 1969 to 1990) and Philippe Thomas (1952-1995). These small exhibitions, embedded within the larger exhibit, highlight symbolic and formal operations employed by these artists and signal the ways in which their approaches reflect and resonate with other artworks included in the exhibition. Chohreh Feyzdjou’s accumulations and taxonomies point towards the archival impulse of a collection while its ever shifting, ever adjusting nature relates to Simon Hantaï’s resized and reformatted paintings. The exhibition’s hint to theatre — stages, curtains, décors — extends Philippe Thomas’s idea of the collection as fiction and its arcane title is an explicit reference to a print by Présence Panchounette.