21 Sep 2018
28 Jan 2019



In the fall of 2018, Culturespaces and the Jacquemart-André Museum are organizing an exhibition dedicated to Caravaggio (1571-1610), an emblematic figure of 17th century Italian painting. For this unique event, nearly 10 of the artist's masterpieces will be gathered on an exceptional basis in France. 

From the greatest Italian museums, such as the Palazzo Barberini, the Galleria Borghese and the Novel Capitolini in Rome, the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, the Musei di Strada Nuova in Genoa or the Museo Civico Ala Panzone in Cremona, these extraordinary paintings retrace the Roman career of Caravaggio (1592-1606) until exile. They will dialogue with the works of illustrious contemporarues, such as the Rider of Arpin, Annibal Carraci, Orazio Gentileschi, Giovanni Baglione or Ribera, in order to unveil the full extent of Caravaggio's innovative genius and to show the artistic effervescence that then reigned in the Eternal City. 

Bartolomeo Manfredi, Saint Jean-Bap ste tenant un mouton, 1613-1615
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Madeleine en extase dite « Madeleine Klain », 1606 (?)
Giovanni Baglione, Autoportrait de Giovanni Baglione, 1619 (?),
opiste anonyme d'après O avio Leoni, Portrait de Caravage, après 1620
Pensionante del Saraceni, Le reniement de Saint Pierre, 1610-1620
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Saint François en médita on, vers 1606
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Saint Jérôme écrivant, vers 1605
Orazio Gen leschi, Saint Jérôme, vers 1611
An veduto Grama ca, Sainte Cécile et deux anges musiciens, vers 1615
 Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Madeleine en extase, 1606 (?)
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Le Jeune Saint Jean-Bap ste au bélier, 1602
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage (1571 – 1610), Judith décapitant Holopherne, vers 1598,
Giovanni Baglione, L'Amour sacré terrassant l'Amour profane, 1614-120
Orazio Borgianni, David et Goliath, vers 1609-1610,
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Ecce Homo, 1605 (?)
Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage, Le Joueur de luth, 1595-1596
Annibal Carrache, L’Adora on des Bergers, 1597-1598
Bartolomeo Cavarozzi, La Douleur d'Aminte, vers 1605-1610
Giovanni Baglione, La Résurrec on du Christ, 1601-1603
 Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage (1571 – 1610), Le Souper à Emmaüs, 1605-1606,

General information

158 bd. Haussmann - 75 008 Paris 
+33 (0)1 45 62 11 59
Every day, from 10am to 6pm


Curatorship of the exhibition: 

Francesca Cappelletti
History of Modern Art Professor at the University of Ferrare, she is also part of the scientific comity of The Studies Institute of the

Pierre Curie
Chief curator of patrimony and of Jacquemart-André museum. Specialist of Italian and Spanish paintings of the 17th century.