Marie Cool Fabio Balducci’s project for the CAPC consists of a new site-specific work and a series of performed or filmed actions.
For more than two decades, the two artists have been developing an unclassifiable body of work between sculpture and performance based on short, often repetitive actions carried out by themselves or by others in confined spaces (studio, exhibition space) using standardized objects from regulated work environments (sheets of A4 paper, Scotch tape, pencils, office tables) and natural elements such as water or sunlight.
Rovesciamento, the installation conceived for the CAPC’s central nave, stages situations of reversal or upheaval, both figuratively and literally: a monumental conference table that has been tilted on its side is echoed by less spectacular but equally violent gestures of spilling and diversion.
Emphasizing the underlying dichotomy in their work – which has been described as simultaneously ethereal and terrestrial, fictional and functional, transcendent and immanent, or even metaphysical and political – Marie Cool Fabio Balducci harness the architectural partition of the CAPC’s central space to stage a mirror situation of construction and deconstruction, of doing and undoing.