François Pinault created the Pierre Daix Prize in 2015 as a tribute to the memory of his friend, a writer and French art historian, who passed away in 2014. Since then, the annual prize of ten thousand euros honours a work dedicated to the history of modern and contemporary art.
The next Pierre Daix prize will be awarded on Monday, December 2, 2019 at the Musée National Picasso – Paris by François Pinault.
Its jury met on June 27th to preselect the books :
Louise Bourgeois
Marie-Laure Bernadac
Paris, Flammarion, collection « Grandes biographies », April 2019
Bernard Réquichot. Zones sensibles
Jean-François Chevrier
Paris, Flammarion, April 2018
Dora Maar. La femme invisible
Victoria Combalía Dexeus
Paris, Invenit, June 2019
Préhistoire. L’envers du temps
Rémi Labrusse
Paris, Hazan, collection « Beaux Arts » May 2019
Portes closes et oeuvres invisibles
Denys Riout
Paris, Gallimard, collection «Art et Artistes», April 2019