21 Jan 2025
20 Sep 2025



a term that stands in contrast to tranquillity, as it embodies the sonorous and joyous effervescence of Pommery champagne, sparkling, luminous and lively. ‘Melodies’ also evokes the plurality and diversity of the artistic approaches presented. The theme is one of exaltation and fugue, but it also suggests the bubbling and rustling of a force that is both sustained and deeply present. This same theme can be muted and discreet, while preserving a humble poetry. The artistic installations that make up this innovative itinerary reflect the many facets of the theme. Thoughtful lightness and ambiguity, poetry and offbeat humour, sparkling colours and evanescent impressions: these are the components of this EXPERIENCE POMMERY #18, which highlights the timeless, almost dreamlike character of the cellars. The animal rustle of the installations by Bertrand Gadenne, an artist who died this year and to whom Maison Pommery pays tribute, is matched by the artificial nature of the works by Choi Jeong Hwa, which resonate with panache. Encoreunestp's fleeting butterflies dialogue with his immersive installation. Angelica Mesiti's videos transport visitors into a state of weightlessness, while those by Anne, Charlotte Finel invite them to dream. Other works are ironic or humorous, or simply offer a moment of wonder. The exhibition is also built in dialogue with works from the Maison Pommery's permanent collection, such as those by Laurent Grasso and Jacqueline Dauriac. Intimate and meticulous, the exhibition in the cellars is enriched and transformed, changing face and rhythm. It lives, and its heart beats faster than ever.


Genesis BELANGER / Elisabetta BENASSI /  Lilian BOURGEAT / Michel de BROIN / CHOI Jeong Hwa / Jacqueline DAURIAC / Kalou DUBUS / Encoreunestp / Luka FINEISEN / Anne-Charlotte FINEL /  Jean-François FOURTOU / Bertrand GADENNE / Laurent GRASSO / Eftychia KAZOUKA / Klara KRISTALOVA / Anina MAJOR / Tony MATELLI / Angelica MESITI / NAM TCHUN MO / Gustave NAVLET / Felipe OLIVEIRA BAPTISTA / Alain PASSARD / Pablo REINOSO / Delphine REIST / Franck SCURTI / SOUNDWALK COLLECTIVE with Patti SMITH / Olivier STREBELLE / Joana VASCONCELOS / YOSHIKI / ISETTA BY BMW / Ayappa KM & Arun NURA / Zsófia KERRESZTES / Javier PÉREZ

Vue du jardin. Domaine pommery
Exp #10, Dix ans d'expériences, Fabrice HYBER, Phantom
jardin Domaine Pommery
Le hibou, Bertrand Gadenne,
Golden Flower, Choi Jeong Hwa
Encoreunestp, #papillonsdansleventre
Nam Tchun-Mo, Spring
Ivresse, Felipe Oliveira Baptista
Pablo Reinoso, Ivresse

General information

5, place du Général Gouraud
51100, Reims


Aristide Pluvinage
Elsa Sarfati