A duo for two soli. Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci have accepted a joint invitation from 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine and the Contemporary Art Centre – la synagogue de Delme. They will present complementary experiments that thwart the laws of physics.
The two exhibitions in Metz and Delme (drawings, installa- tions, videos and actions) combine to form an echo chamber with an essential, existential approach, where continually repeated moments touch upon the ineffable.
The pieces created by Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci have a layout and spatial presence that give their appearance the semblance of "unstable sculptures with body." The peculia- rity of their propositions and barely installed installa- tions have a genuinely powerful strangeness.
These artists are ultimately aiming to give rise to thought rather than to a result. They attempt to break up the conflict of the material and the metaphysical. Following no track or trail, Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci are offering nothing less a renewal of the art experience. Using humble materials, simple gestures, a subtle temporality, they are reviving a universal language that everyone can understand.
They display a sensitive, critical rigour that enables them to engage in a questioning of certain behaviours, postures and normative values—particularly temporality—that no lon- ger seems able to exist in the ordinary context of insti- tutional spaces.
All of their internal dialogues, visions, incisions and apostrophes speak of a passionate desire to dig into repre- sentation in order to help make it more open. All of their work predisposes one to that impetus which makes art the most effective means of bringing the invisible, inaudible world into existence.
In Marie Cool's gestures, the hand becomes a life in itself, a multifaceted face, liable to caress or shatter. It is the site of an approaching rage, an evolving revolt, a human resistance to the dilution of a consumed, consuma- ble world, governed by objects and all-powerful machines. The insurrection that the gestures contain becomes its own politics of life, a constant injunction to stay awake, alive, to be there but always in a precarious balance, at the edge of a secret.