06 Jul 2013
02 Feb 2014



An array of events orchestrated by The Cartel around the Atelier Van Lieshout, major artist of the past 30 years international scene.
Three exhibitions, a fair, a web edition, prints and some debates, films, concerts, performances... with 
the aim of rethinking the city, its use and organisation.

New orders consists in a range of projects which discuss with one another, meet and develop themselves from the questions carried by the work of a guest artist: Atelier Van Lieshout.

By inviting numerous artists, New Orders asks the question of the possibility to invent, through the prism of art, a new society.
The social organisation and its corollaries (the common good, control structures, human management, work, resource production...) are to be experimented and give a show of them by the means of forms going from utopia to dystopia. Carried by the desire of building differently based on a shared ideal, the invited artists question our social model whilst asking the question of the validity of a potential new order. The control of production (agricultural, industrial), communautarism, autarky, survival... are as many issues conveyed by the proposals. New Orders is a high point around the Rotterdam artist Joep Van Lieshout, an unprecedented highlight of six months in Marseille. From experimentation to the exhibition, a season of visibility comes after a period of in-residence, time for the artist to seize the breadth of possibilities offered by la Friche Belle de Mai.

With a succession of a monographic exhibition and two collective exhibitions including French and International artists, a fair, a web edition and some debates, films, concerts and performances. All revolving around the practice and production of new items never seen before in France.

Atelier Van Lieshout questions, resembles and borrows from the corporate world: composed of artists, designers, architects and managers working on projects that are at the crossroads of the disciplines. His founder Joep Van Lieshout lives and works in Rotterdam. He invented architectures and cities, conceived revised utility objects, AVL produces an art that goes beyond the aesthetic function and offers art works to enjoy and experiment. He was awarded several prizes and exposed in over a hundred exhibitions throughout the world. 


Blastfurnance, Bronze, 2012,120x180x100 cm
Detail interior Hagioscope, Foam and fiberglass, 1500x1000x300 cm, 2012

Diane JUNQUA / diane@claudinecolin.com