Refusal of any established order, subversion of the commonplace… In times where the patriarchy is crumbling, Bad Girls are putting on their battle suits and draw their weapons: humor and insolence!
Be beautiful and shut up!
In the 1970s, “the personal is political.” The Bad Girl takes off her top and even her bottoms. Nudity is the weapon of making demands: my body is my own!
Be (re)bellious and fight!
The Bad Girl has always fought for the common cause: for justice and humanity. To Kurdish or Palestinian women, body is a weapon.
So be it!
Without legacy or testament, the Bad Girl invents a radiant future, free of any social, sexual, or racial designation. Her story remains to be written and above all, lived…
With its true Bad Girl motto, the Lorraine region has all it needs to (dis)please, from the prickly thorns of its thistle emblem to Clémentine Delait, the famous bearded woman of the Vosges! But watch out, it’s all the better to shake up your habits and give you a fresh point of view! Enjoy!
*The motto of the Lorraine region, the proverb means, literally, “who touches it gets stung,” where “it” is the regional plant, the thistle. The proverb finds its English equivalent in “Play with fire and get burned.”