The Fonds M-ARCO in Marseille’s Estaque neighbourhood is hosting a solo exhibition by François Morellet from 23 May to 20 September 2013. Entirely designed by Morellet, this exhibition presents different pieces of artwork from the same families.
Morellet’s starting point is always a statement revealing the different parts of his work and how it is constructed. These statements allow us to separate his work into different families: parallels, dashes, networks, etc.
Morellet’s work develops as evolutions on these statements. For example, he changes the angle at which two lines are superposed, or the length of dashes. In this way, he creates series generated by systems. Viewers can compare different works to learn about the artist’s approach.
In the catalogue for his 1977 exhibitions (in Berlin, Baden-Baden and Paris), Morellet provided a list of his artworks since 1952. This list was
divided into five chapters: juxtapositions, superpositions, hazards, interferences and fragmentations.
Here, he has decided to present three pieces of artwork from each of the five families. This explains the title of the exhibition: 5×3.
Of these fifteen piecces, six have gone on display before.
- 3 paintings from the series 200 décimales du chiffre Pi, 1998
- 3 sculptures from Beaming Pi 300, 2002
- and nine previously unseen pieces from 3 different families
– Double sens n° 1, 2 and 3, acrylic on canvas, wood and neon tube, 2012
– L’impitoyable confrontation n° 1, 2 and 3 12 varnished black steel plates, 2012
– Tamponade n° 1, 2 and 3, wall stickers, 2012.
There will be a catalogue for this exhibition.