24 Oct 2013
02 Feb 2014


Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux

In autumn 2013, Bordeaux will host an exhibition on the famous Groupil & Cie, a successful art dealership which employed many French and foreign artists, particularly Italian. The art dealer Aldophe Goupil (1806- 1893) commissioned scenes from the Antiquity or the 18th century, urban views and vibrant landscapes, which became very popular and valued by collectors, critics and European art dealers. This practice responded to the international enthusiasm for collecting art, whose influence would last well into the 20th century. 

This exhibition gives the opportunity to present to the public the Italian artists, who are often unknown in France and yet were famous in their time: G. de Nittis, A. Pasini, G. Boldoni, and A. Mancini. 

After a first step at Palais Roverella à Rovigo, the exhibition invests at the Galerie des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux. 



Vittorio Corcos, Le istutrici ai Campi Elisi, 1892. Collection Palazzo Foresti
Alceste Campriani, Ruines de Pompei, vers 1800. Collection particulière
Giuseppe De Nittis, Le Pont de Westminster et la Maison du Parlement © Collection particulière
Giacomo Di Chirico, Un mariage en Baselicata © Collection particulière
Federico Rossano, Marché aux bestiaux aux environs de Naples, 1873 © Collection particulière
General information

Galerie des Beaux-Arts

Place du Colonel Raynal, 33000 Bordeaux
05 56 96 51 60 / 

Opening Times:

The museum and the gallery are open every day from 11am-6pm except Tuesdays and public holidays.


Louise Volet / louise@claudinecolin.com