18 Feb 2015
17 May 2015


Palais de Tokyo

Are there works that are not works of art?

Questioning as Duchamp did the essence of creation and its territories, the Palais de Tokyo explores interstitial worlds, at the borders of art, creation and invention.

The exhibition “Le Bord des Mondes” is an invitation to travel to the farthest reaches of creation by revealing the prodigious investigations and inventions of a number of visionaries, beyond the traditional realm of art. From the giant beach creatures of Theo Jansen to Kawakami Kenji’s surprising chindogu or Carlos Espinosa’s poetical cloud traps, the exhibition encourages viewers to go down forbidden paths and bridge the gap that normally separates artistic creation and inventiveness. Situated at the edges of art and invention, the exhibition shatters the borders between worlds, between identified artistic territories and parallel worlds outside of the art system, by exploring the fertile precipice that can bring them together.

By questioning the foundations of a rationalizing modernity that isolates knowledge and practices from each other by excluding unclassifiable acts and ideas, the exhibition looks at original and surprising research. Around thirty creators – most of whom come from outside the field of art – develop visions and ideas that through their sheer beauty could certainly belong to it. Neither outsider nor naïve artists, no more than they are “eccentric,” these free spirits explore unknown forms and refresh our gaze, beyond cannons and disciplines. These are like so many stories that, through their originality and inventiveness, renew our attention to the mysterious zones of creation, expressed in its most audacious form. Here, experience, reinvention and the overcoming of divisions prevail.

Bridget Polk, Balancing rocks, Palais de Tokyo Sunday Session au MoMA PS1, New-York, 6 Avril 2014. Photo : Beth Browde
- Carlos Espinosa, Macrodiamante, attrape nuage, structure en métal, Courtesy  Professeur Carlos Espinosa.
- Charlie le Mindu, Hair cape, 2010, cheveux naturels, poil de Yak, 55 x 50 cm, Collection Philippe Découflé, crédit photo Laurent Philippe.
 Iris Van Herpen, Voltage, 2013, japanese microfiber polyester and laser cut mat polyester-film, credits: M. Zoeter x Iris van Herpen (c)
Kenji Kawakami, Grenouillère de ménage
General information


13, avenue du Président Wilson,

75 116 Paris


Accueil visiteur : 01 81 97 35 88


Le Palais de Tokyo est ouvert de midi à minuit tous les jours, sauf le mardi

Fermeture annuelle le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre

Fermeture exceptionnelle à 18h le 24 et le 31 décembre


Pass Saison : 20€ (Pass nominatif donnant un accès illimité sur toute la durée d’une saison)

Plein tarif : 10€

Tarif réduit : 8€ (moins de 26 ans, enseignants, étudiants,

séniors, Maison des artistes, groupes de plus de 10 personnes et

adhérents des institutions partenaires du Tokyopass).

Gratuité : moins de 18 ans, demandeurs d’emploi, bénéficiaires des minimas sociaux, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, ICOM, IKT, journalistes, guides-conférenciers, pass enseignant, bénéficiaires du minimum vieillesse, personnes en situation de handicap & accompagnateur (sur présentation de justificatifs datant de moins de trois mois)