18 Feb 2015
17 May 2015


Palais de Tokyo

True to its mission to present art from France across all generations, the Palais de Tokyo continues its exploration into the interstices between art and the sciences by paying tribute to the great sculptor and inventor Takis who will turn 90 in 2015. The first person to “send a man into space,” six months before Yuri Gagarin, during a famous performance, and who realized a monumental basin of light signals on the esplanade of La Défense in 1988 that thousands of people see every day, probably without knowing anything of their author, is a major figure in post-war art.

Born in Athens and based in Paris since the 1950s, Takis set about exploring magnetic field energy in his work. Working in proximity with his contemporaries of the New Realism movement, he integrated light and music in combination with the use of magnets into his sculptural practice.

From his exposition of magnetic forces to his “tribute to Kafka” and his erotically charged bronze sculptures, the exhibition brings together around fifty spectacular pieces. This is one of the most comprehensive solo exhibitions of Takis’ work since the Jeu de Paume’s show of 1993. A tireless experimenter and “intuitive savant”, Takis has continuously sought to capture cosmic energy by combining art and science.

As a contemporary plastician, his work is grounded in a sculptural tradition that spans archaic Greek sculpture and Giacometti on the one hand and the rejects of technology on the other. Fascinated by the “scientific magic” at the core of inventions (he even registered a number of industrial patents), Takis is also a science philosopher, regularly drawing inspiration from the great ancestors of pre- Socratic philosophy, Hippocratic medicine, and Ancient Egypt.

Guest curator: Alfred Pacquement

Takis at his Foundation in front of a ‘’Magnetic Wall-the 4th Dimension’’                                                              Photo© Archive KETE – 2010
Antigravité, Takis
Signals, Takis
Signal à quatre bras, Takis
General information


13, avenue du Président Wilson,

75 116 Paris


Accueil visiteur : 01 81 97 35 88


Le Palais de Tokyo est ouvert De midi à minuit tous les jours, sauf le mardi

Fermeture annuelle le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre

Fermeture exceptionnelle à 18h le 24 et le 31 décembre


Pass Saison : 20€ (Pass nominatif donnant un accès

illimité sur toute la durée d’une saison)

Plein tarif : 10€

Tarif réduit : 8€ (moins de 26 ans, enseignants, étudiants, séniors, Maison des artistes, groupes de plus de 10 personnes et adhérents des institutions partenaires du Tokyopass).

Gratuité : moins de 18 ans, demandeurs d’emploi, bénéficiaires des minimas sociaux, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, ICOM, IKT, journalistes, guides-conférenciers, pass enseignant, bénéficiaires du minimum vieillesse, personnes en situation de handicap & accompagnateur (sur présentation de justificatifs datant de moins de trois mois)