À PARTIR DU 20 May 2025


The Frac-Artothèque Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a public-interest institution funded by the French government and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, whose mission is to acquire and distribute works of art, and to provide mediation for all. Unique in France, the Frac-Arto brings together two collections: that of the Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain and that of the Artothèque. The Frac-Artothèque coordinates the Fonds Régional d'art contemporain des communes du Limousin (FACLim), which today comprises more than 40 communes in the Limousin region, who each year choose to devote 15 eurocents per inhabitant to the acquisition of works of art. More than 7,500 works of art are available to you through exhibitions, cultural events and partnerships with other organizations and local authorities. By building up a living, nomadic and evolving collection, the Frac-Arto contributes to the democratization of art and creates links between territories and their inhabitants.

General information
Frac-Artothèque Nouvelle Aquitaine
27 Bd de la Corderie

87000 Limoges


Direction : 
Catherine Texier